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Barolo M.G.A, the vineyards of excellence 

The crus of Nebbiolo grapes for Barolo are situated in the best hillsides in the municipalities of Castiglione Falletto and La Morra. Since the 90s the vineyards have been completely replanted following the best grafting and training techniques, high quality has been ensured for all other vines as well.

Azienda Agricola Monchiero F.lli s.s.

Via Alba - Monforte 49 

12060 Castiglione Falletto  (CN) | Italy

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The winery is open for visits and tastings by telephone appointment by calling the following numbers: +39 3498723831 or +39 017362820


You can also send a request by e-mail to:  


Our visiting and tasting times are as follows:  

Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 12.00 |  14.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 10.00 -12.00 | 14.00 -16.00
Sunday: 10.00 - 12.00

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